
Caldo de Cana – ABRAF Orchestra – Vídeo with 220 flutists – YouTube Premiere Sept.7th 2020



Youtube link:


A dream, a meeting!

A huge flute orchestra with flutists from all over Brazil.

All our States are represented.

Distances? Borders? Not at all! The virtual space provided the magic of being together.

The whole Flute family brought together. From Piccolo to Contrabass Flute.

All colleagues: professionals and amateurs, teachers and students.

Union and the feeling of belonging. This is ABRAF.

Caldo de Cana has Brazil’s flavor. It is a Baião, with an up-tempo groove!

And we play with that swing …

In 2020, 220 flutists at 220 volts! 

Positive energy!


I wrote Caldo de Cana in 1978 and it was the title song of my second CD released in 2000.

During the pandemic, I posted weekly, my arrangements for different flute groups and always received a relevant and interesting comment from Alberto Sampaio. I could hardly believe it when I received ABRAF’s invitation via Beto and Silvana Poll to make this video with the virtual ABRAF Orchestra. What a happiness!

Now this music sweetens Brazil and unites 220 flutists from all states of our country!

Many thanks to all participants!


David Ganc



CALDO DE CANA – Production team


David Ganc                                Composition and arrangement

Beto Sampaio and David Ganc  Musical production 

Silvana Poll                                Executive production                  

André Oliveira                           Audio editing and mixing  

Gláucia Medeiros                      Video director and editing





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