
09/20th / 2012 with Tim Rescala at Sala Baden Powell – Musimagem Brasil Concert – RJ

I will be in concert with friend and composer Tim Rescala Series at Sala Baden Powell

September 20th we will have Tim Rescala and MARCUS VIANA with the concert Music For Miniseries” where both will present their compositions for TV.

Tim Rescala: piano; Radames Gnattali Quartet : Carla Rincon (1st violin), Andréia Carizzi (2nd violin), Fernando Thebaldi (viola) and Hugo Pilger (cello), David Ganc (flute and tenor sax); Agnes Younger (soprano); Rescala (tenor).

Cameos: Prado (baritone) and Leticia Sabatella (mezzo-soprano).


Sala Baden Powell – Copacabana – RJ



Av. N.S. de Copacabana, 360 – Copacabana RJ 22020-001?

(21) 2548-0421

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